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It is a common practice for some to use a Quake-style terminal. For those who have never played the game: it’s a single terminal window which is hidden by default and is toggled with the grave accent key. Those who like the behaviour use a terminal emulator program like Tilda on Linux or ConEmu on Windows.

Sometimes you might want the same behaviour for the utilities that do not support Quake-style windows by themselves. Luckily, you can still achieve this with a simple AutoHotkey script I’ve come up with.

Hello World Yet Again
So this is it, I’ve finally moved my blog to a fully self-hosted solution. This site is now generated with Hugo, is rebuilt on every commit to a private repo on my own code hosting, and seems to work better than the hackish host-with-Tumblr approach. Oh, and one last thing: exporting posts from Tumblr is a PITA. Good thing I didn’t have lots of those.
Rant: Mastodon

Just scrolled through the timeline Instagram generates for me. 20 “blog posts” with boring “inspiring” descriptions trying to teach me life, 15 or about that from the official accounts, no posts I’d consider personal (i.e. random fun pics). Not even trying to open stories anymore, I don’t really like being fed with video ads every 3 or 4 posts. That’s the cancer that ate Instagram.

To all those people having their Cloudflare requests to GitLab Pages being 429-ed: setting the security policy to “Full” instead of “Flexible” seems to do the trick. Still have no clue to the cause of this issue though.
Rant: Google Tasks

So far it looks like Tasks, Google’s new app for task tracking, is missing a key feature supposed to push you to do stuff—the on-time reminders.